Live Online Class
UnderStanding: From Feet to Hips
November 5 to December 17 – Weekly on Tuesdays
Raise awareness of yourself rom the feet up!
Bring your attention back to your internal processes through somatic processes to enhance your mobility and cognitive capacities. When moving from within, with intimate proximity to the skeletal and nervous systems, we can experience ground forces as they come through us, spiraling through our bones and joints all the way to the heart and top of the head.
Movement and thinking habits are hidden in the soft tissues, compressing muscles and organs, creating restrictions and chronic pain. Through these lessons, you create new possibilities of movement and thinking patterns, accessing internal resources and engaging in efficient and more effective ways of being, beyond habitual self-preservation patterns, meeting your environment with fresher and more efficient ways of being.
Relay on your internal integrity for support, confidence, and freedom in movement, action and thought.
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