Exhale. Unwind. Teacher Training

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Seven Live Online Webinar for Teachers

Teacher Training

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Meeting ID: 837 2412 0789

Passcode: Exhale


Breath is the source of consciousness. A shift in our breath produces the release of different neurotransmitters, hormones, and neurological responses. The shift in breath  awaken us in the morning. When we fall sleep, our breath shifts again.  We inhale as we welcome good news, and we hold the breath when we are stress and tense. Improving the way we breathe, can improve posture and re-organize the muscle-skeletal system for optimal functioning.

when taking as a Teacher Training!

  • You get extra 30 minutes per class
  • You get personalized attention
  • You explore breathing and awareness in depth
  • You learn to observe breathing patterns in yourself and others
  • You participate in sharing and discussion