Master Your Spirit – Breathing the Energy of Life

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All webinars are live and online and take place on Saturdays beginning on the Full Moon of Saturday October 8 from 10:00 to 11:30 am Pacific Time. 

Teacher TrainingModule 3

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 839 3393 7256

Passcode: Life!


For nine-weeks we practice energy passes and mindfulness exercises to connect to your inner life, and unrecognized potential. The slow-paced movements and guided breath sequences allow you to release fears and chronic contractions and shift your perception to states of heightened awareness. This allows you to detach from cravings and illusions and to reestablish connection to your energetic essence, what Carlos Castaneda called your left body awareness. 

Connect. Align. Receive.

The systematic shifting of your attention from the outside to your internal processes improves self-regulation and establishes internal authority. It offers a clear vision of your true dreams and desires and positions you in a sacred inner place from where you can respond to the demands of the world without losing or betraying yourself.

Regaining inner authority and vitality, increases your immunity, health, and longevity. This process of transformation and becoming is framed in the Mesoamerican myth of the Feathered Serpent: experiencing integrity as a being from the earth and also as a being from the sky. We are pure energy experiencing a temporary physical form on earth. And we are something else that we must discover. In moments of stillness and serenity, something within us and beyond us offers guidance. The invitation is to listen to it and to follow it.