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Live Online Class – PWH cycle 56

The Unknown: a Question Over the Horizon

April 20 – June 22. Sundays 10:00 am Pacific Time.

In these nine live online classes, we present specific sequences of breath, thinking, and movement intending to restore neurological balance and proprioception to enhance our ability to face the unknown.

We have to balance the lineality of the known universe with the nonlineality of the unknown universe”. 


“Matus used the term nagual to signify that part of perception which is in the realm of the unknown yet still reachable by man


$215.00Add to cart

Schedule. Nine Classes.

All classes occur on Sundays from April 20 to June 22, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time.


All classes are recorded and available for one year after the date of purchase.


Themes and Content:

  • Class 1: April 20 
  • Class 2: April 27 
  • Class 3: May 4
  • Class 4: May 11
  • Class 5: May 18
  • Class 6: May 25
  • Class 7: June 1 
  • Class 8: June 15 (no class June 8)
  • Class 9: June 22
“In the face of the unknown, man is adventurous. It is a quality of the unknown that gives us hope and happiness. Man feels robust and exhilarated. Even the apprehension that it arouses is very fulfilling." - Carlos Castaneda



All possibilities for growth and potential exist inside ourselves, and we can awaken them in the community, with friends and family,  here, every Sunday, in Path with Heart.  

These nine classes incorporate energizing yet gentle movements with breathing techniques to enhance our ability to feel and sense. We will utilize ‘energy passes’ to become aware of our own internal states, and change it from the inside out, creating a ripple effect of change in our perception, behavior and actions. This positive shift towards a more engulfing and fulfilling state of being  or Dreaming Awake: flying on the wings of affection.  

We offer tuition discount and scholarships.

FOR MORE INFORMATION please email Tom Reavley at reavleytw@hotmail.com or Aerin Alexander at aerin@beingenergy.com. Please include a brief statement of what inspires you to participate in these classes of Path with Heart, your commitment to be present in most of the live classes and a brief description of your expectations and goals. We look forward to assist you!