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On-Demand Class Series – Path with Heart 48

The Sky is the Limit

All nine PWH classes are recorded and ready for you to watch! 

The Sky is the limit was an expression Carlos Castaneda often used to say that there was no limits to what we could dream and achieve and that anything is possible. He inspired us to regain vitality through the practice of energy passes, and to reestablish purpose and direction for our lives engaging in energy saving strategies to act and thrive in the world without being drained by it. He urged us to think beyond our cultural conditioning and to be curious to learn beyond the imaginable.


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Schedule. Nine Classes.

All classes are already recorded and ready for you to watch at anytime! 

Themes and Content:

  • Class 1. Energetic Vs. Ordinary Facts: Face the Oncoming Time.
  • Class 2. Shamans Vs. Ordinary Cognition: Intend evolution.
  • Class 3. Shift your assemblage point: Sush your internal dialogue.
  • Class 4. In the blink of an eye: Jump Grooves.
  • Class 5. Your Energy Body: Your Life Purpose.
  • Class 6. The universe keeps testing you: BE in front of the train.
  • Class 7. Your body is the perceiver. Who are you?
  • Class 8. Inner Silence: Don’t take it personally.
  • Class 9. Seeing energy as it flows: Stop the World.

In these nine-weekly classes we introduce premises of the cognitive system of the shamans of ancient Mexico: the teachings of don Juan, as presented by Carlos Castaneda. Shamans’ cognitive system is different than ours: they believe that everything in the cosmos is an expression of energy, and so are we. We are beings in a journey: the universe wants to become aware though us, Castaneda said, and pushes us to evolve by enhancing the awareness of our life experiences. 


Each class presents and develops a different principle inviting practitioners to expand their perceptual capabilities and to find within different responses to the ordinary world of demands that limits the human spirit.

We offer work exchange and scholarships.

FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE EMAIL info@beingenergy.com. Please include a brief statement of why you want to participate in these classes and why you need a scholarship or exchange. Thank you!

We look forward to assist you! 

"Everything in the cosmos is an expression of energy" - Carlos Castaneda.
You are a powerful creator but walk looking down.
Rise your eyes to the sky: there is no limit to what you can dream.