On-Demand Class – PWH cycle 51
Breathtaking, Amazing Life
Classes are recorded and available to you 24/7.
In these nine weekly classes we will explore what is in the way of experiencing our daily life as a breathtaking amazing event.
We will question what Carlos Castaneda called “the idea of the self”. As we grow up, we develop an “I” to function and thrive in the material world of the tonal. Our sense of self gets defined through an external process of socialization, the agreements about reality that gives us an outer identity: a name, a nationality, a career…who we think we are.
Seers have discovered that we can liberate the “I” by dissolving the “identification” with who we think we are. Stopping the world it is a daily practice of removing the mask, the façade of identifications, and experience instead the living being that is always present, calm and in AWE, amazed at each moment of its human existence.
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