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Live online CLASS 

Inner Silence: Stalking Attention

New Series Begins September 5, 2024

Our capacity to control attention is the only tool we have to cancel out our inner dialog, the self-talk that constantly creates and maintains the world of everyday life. The world of everyday life is a wonderful, marvelous mystery, but to fully appreciate it we need inner silence to extricate ourselves from the almost overwhelming pull of its current, a current that consists of all our concerns, fears, doubts, and ambitions. Our power to resist and navigate that current depends on how well we control our attention. When we use attention to put a dyke in the flow of concerns, the world becomes new. Through an effort of will, we can hold our attention on the feeling of being suspended in space and restore our sense of wonder and awe.


Quieting our everyday thoughts

Inner Silence classes use specialized movements, breathing and guided visualizations to interrupt the mental noise and enhance your personal power.
“Once Inner Silence is attained, anything is possible.”

Carlos Castaneda

Carlos Castaneda spoke of moments of inner silence during the day when we stop our daily affairs and routines of the outer world to connect with our internal world. He said that inner silence can be accumulated and that its practice is a source of calm and confidence, essential to reassess our Intentions and priorities.


It was through a sustained systematic practice and cultivation of inner silence, he said, that we could regain a sense of clarity and purpose in our lives.


In these classes you accumulate experiences of inner silence. As you accumulate the mood of silence, you automatically become more adept at avoiding and stepping out of moods that bring your energy down: anger, guilt, shame, resentment, envy, boredom, etc. From the position of silence, the problems of everyday life become less overpowering and more manageable.

What are the benefits?

Who's the class for?

This class series is designed for those who want the support and group energy of a regular movement and meditation class that employs the tools of the Being Energy® Methodology. 


Each class begins with a specific intent that is incorporated into the body through movements, breaths, and visualizations and that usher participants into a state of inner silence—silence that can sustain each one of us during our daily activities. 

What the tuition includes?

– Ten classes live online classes of 45 minutes each 


– All day access to class video recordings 


– A selection of videos from prior cycles of this class


– Tom’s guidance and support 


– You can take these classes live online or in person at Tom’s studio in Guanajuato, Mexico. 


What Participants Say:

"I want to thank you for Thursday’s Silence Class. It was just the right thing at the right time."

Chris USA

"Silence class is Awesome. Thanks a million for the 2 time slots. I Love your class."

Jackie USA

Who is guiding these classes?

All classes will be conducted in English and Spanish by Tom Reavley, certified Being Energy® instructor.


September 5 to November 14
10:00 - 10:45 am / 5:30 - 6:15 PM Pacific time

You may switch between whichever of the two times suits you best.


September  5, 12, 19, 26

October 3, 10, 17, 31

November 7, 14

Still have questions?

Contact Tom Reavley at

Inner Silence: Stalking Attention

September 5 to November 14, 2024

Discover how your inner resources, attuned to your body, create the intent of silence.


Class sample video to watch, follow and enjoy