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Three-day Workshop

Weaving Your Life's Stories

Oaxaca, Mexico – June 7-9, 2025

Don Juan instructed Carlos Castaneda to disarm himself of prejudices and interpretations held by knots in his body and mind, making him coarse, anxious, repetitive, and heavy. Instead, he invited him to reweave the stories of his life using a new yarn made in collaboration with the Earth –  wind, rain, fire – holding a feeling of gratitude for all of his life experiences. Through a specific recapitulation, we can braid the pieces of ourselves left in the past and weave them into the present to experience a strong and vital body and a calm and wise mind. Castaneda told us that as we knit and dream our new self, we merge with the energy body, the flow of healing light that travels through connective tissues, the fountain of silence, the essence of who we are.


(Register today: Use coupon EARLYBIRD at checkout for $90 off discount before March 15.)

Join this three-day workshop to learn about and improve physical, mental, and emotional integrity, as well as a unique recapitulation process to acknowledge your life stories and weave your energy and physical bodies into one whole Being. 


The workshop takes place in Oaxaca, the colorful capital of the Mexican state of the same name, that sits in a broad valley at an elevation of about 5,000 feet. It comprises Zapotec, Mixtec, and other smaller groups, Oaxaca state is the home of some 17 distinct languages and has more indigenous language speakers than any other Mexican state.

The workshop includes a visit to Teotitlan, an Indigenous Zapotec village most known for its traditional handwoven wool rugs and tapestries.  We will visit the weaver’s houses, learn about weaving and dyeing, and observe their focus and body-mind integration as they create their visions.

Teotitlán’s citizens actively steward 20,000 acres of their forest and watershed, as well as organically cultivate corn, squash, and beans on 10,000 acres of fields surrounding the town.  

The workshop also includes a visit to the archeological site of Monte Alban, a city founded around 500 B.C. that flourished as the Zapotec capital until 800 A.D. It had definite trading and cultural connection with the Toltec city of Teotihuacan to the north. Today, this site and the city of Oaxaca are designated a part of the Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations.

Workshop Schedule

The workshop begins on Saturday, June 7, at 9:00 a.m. and ends on Monday, June 9, at 12:00 p.m. We will take lunch and dinner breaks.

We have reserved double rooms at the hotel where the workshop will take place. If you are interested in reserving a room, and
for more information, please email Tom at reavleytw@hotmail.com

What the tuition includes?


– Three Being Energy Sessions at the Hotel located two blocks from the Zocalo and Central Plaza.

-The sessions include a sepocific set of energy passes and a unique recapitulation exercise to dream and weave all your stories. 

– Transportation from the Hotel to and back from Teotitlan (an hour’s drive.)

-A celebratory and festive lunch at Teotitlán.

-Transportation to and entrance to the archeological site of Monte Alban. 

*Tuition does not include flight tickets, lunches, dinners, and transportation to the airport. 

**If you choose to reserve our rooms, breakfast will be included. 

Who is Guiding this Event?

The event is guided by Aerin Alexander, one of the few direct apprentices of Carlos Castaneda, in collaboration with Tom Reavley and Scott Roth. This event was inspired by Carlos Castaneda, who had deep regard for Oaxaca and its people and held gratitude for the visions and realizations he experienced while spending his time there with his teacher, Don Juan Matus.

Contact and Registration

Contact us

In US: 1- 512 – 910 – 4115 

In Mexico: 473 – 560 – 0984



Weaving your Life's Stories

Oaxaca, Mexico – June 7-9, 2025

Join this three-day workshop to learn about weaving your talents, successes, and failures into a new functional and efficient quilt to serve and fulfill your purposes.