Dear Being Energy Community,
We are including three video links to help you get started with your recapitulation practice, that is, to start your day with a dreaming attention, to set your intent for a mindful day.
As we move closer to the dream of In Pono, our topic for Hawaii, we feel the pull to just get to it, to start a more sustained practice of recapitulation. We’re going to let the videos speak for themselves and share with you why the Seers of ancient Mexico developed this practice into the art of clearing and enhancing our energy.
Another foundational underpinning of the Being Energy® practice is that we can shift our perception through movement. Before starting your recapitulation, try the Being Energy movements in the next video, or simply practice them throughout the day.
Next, listen and follow along with the recapitulation exploration. Start with Recapitulating How You Woke Up, each day and see what happens.
Some of the benefits of recapitulating every day, even if it’s for 1 minute at a time, builds a capacity for:
- observing rather than making judgements about events or people
- connecting to feelings, which leads to a fuller, more expansive view of a situation or event
- healing ourselves, allowing us to give comfort or provide aid and relief to the self in the past event being recapitulated
- self empowerment
Please share your thoughts and experiences.