Three-Day Workshop in Oaxaca, Mexico
June 7 to 9, 2025
Don Juan instructed Carlos Castaneda to disarm himself of prejudices and interpretations held by knots in his body and mind, making him coarse, anxious, repetitive, and heavy. Instead, he invited him to reweave the stories of his life using a new yarn made in collaboration with the Earth – wind, rain, fire – holding a feeling of gratitude for all of his life experiences. Through a specific recapitulation, we can braid the pieces of ourselves left in the past and weave them into the present to experience a strong and vital body and a calm and wise mind. Castaneda told us that as we knit and dream our new self, we merge with the energy body, the flow of healing light that travels through connective tissues, the fountain of silence, the essence of who we are.
The workshop begins on Saturday, June 7, at 9:00 a.m. at the Real Oaxaca Hotel and ends on Monday, July 9, at noon at the Monte Alban archeological site.
The workshop tuition includes all the workshop sessions, transportation to Teotitlan and back to Oaxaca City on Sunday, lunch in Teotitlan, and transportation to Monte Alban on Monday.
For hotel reservations at the Real Oaxaca Hotel at a discounted price, please email
A detailed description of the workshop will be posted by May.