Events Tools and Tips

Standing Up Courageously in the Face of Fear!

How do we stand up for ourselves and others when we are cowering in fear?

Two days ago, we started a new cycle of our series of Path With Heart classes called “Overcoming Fear,” and we already started experiencing a warm wave of courage and love running through our bodies!

Nelson Mandela said, May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears,” and that is what we are actively and daily practicing at Being Energy.  May your intention for 2017 be based on your hopes and dreams. If you already wrote your intentions for this year, hold them high up and take steps towards their fulfillment. If you didn’t write your intention yet, then READ BELOW before writing them down:

Fear is the underlying force for procrastination and postponing dreams, not finishing projects, and having meaningful relationships. Our inner fears are being fed by the outside world.

In the world today we are getting more and more negative news—the political representation of our country now seems to want to imbue us with fear, keep us paralyzed  and feeling powerless. So, what to do? 

This is what we did in class last Sunday:

1-We turned on the light on fear

2-We reminded ourselves of our Warriorship Training

3-We identified top common fears to us all

4- We differentiated between inspiring and paralyzing fears

5- And we courageously stood up, breathed deeply and took an action towards overcoming fear!

We encourage you to do the same!

We are standing up with all, embracing all feelings and facing the oncoming time!