Tools and Tips

In Pono – In Harmony with all our Relationships

Aloha Community!

Pono, a word from the Hawaiian language, represents the concept of being in harmony with all things. It includes the quality and the respectful loving caring relationship one has with oneself, with all the people in our lives, with the Earth and with Spirit, God, or the Universe. For example, to be in Pono with oneself is to feel that our beliefs and behaviors, or the choices we make are aligned with larger forces, and that we are living with a sense of integrity and wholeness. Being in Pono adds to a greatness of Spirit and self-power that is at the core of an ancient Hawaiian belief.

At Being Energy, through movements and breathing practices, we access the mood of Pono to then review our life stories and reflect on our life purposes. Pono is a guide to Recapitulation; it helps us to reflect on these important questions:


  • When am I in pono with myself or with others?
  • Who am I not in pono with?
  • Who do I need to forgive?
  • Who do I need to ask for forgiveness?

The process of Recapitulation, as we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, allows us to go back to any moment in time in order to balance the energy of that moment in the past. This process has a profound effect on our energy and energetic system as a whole bringing tons of benefits to our lives. When “making peace” with our past and healing our wounds, we become more present, less fearful, more alive.

Recapitulating is entering into conscious dreaming states
One benefit from recapitulating one’s life is the access to states of “conscious dreaming.”

When recapitulating, we start by choosing a memory we want to visit and begin by seeing ourselves, as if in a movie. We observe ourselves without judging and cultivate a state of quietness and focused attention that transcends the barriers of time, just as we do when dreaming while asleep.

Similarly, when we start recapitulating, we start paying attention to a particular moment of our lives and we travel in time. “I,” the one that is observing the experience, enter into a state of “dreaming,” transcending space and time, enhancing the view of the particular moment being experienced, being able to shift my perception to a higher state of consciousness.

Music to Enhance Dreaming and Recapitulation
There are a variety of strategies for incorporating the Recapitulation practice into our day-to-day routine, and tactics for creating the space, or the right mood for Recapitulation. We start by clearing the stress of our day and altering the vibrational patterns of our thoughts by listening to music, or the sound of waves or chimes, and enticing a new, calmer mood.

One of our Being Energy® teachers, Robert Savery uses music to access Pono. Robert is a musician and songwriter, and has written hundred of songs, many of them, lullabies to help create the mood of pono for recapitulation. Lullabies gently soothe the nervous system, and lull us toward a dream state.

Join us in a daily practice of Recapitulation for 7 days, just 5 minutes a day and find out for yourself the benefits that this will bring to your life.

Here the steps:

• Sit comfortably in your bed, or in a chair, close your eyes.
Play the Lullaby by Robert Savery. Listen to it once or twice until you are feeling quiet.
• Go over the events of your day and notice when you were not in Pono with someone you were with that day.
• Pause and start observing that particular moment: notice where you were; what did the room look like? What did you say? What did the other person say?
• Breathe deeply aligning your breaths with a movement of your chest and head.

  • Inhale fanning your heart and head in one direction, exhale fanning them in the opposite direction

• Continue to view the scene and notice: What were you feeling?
• Keep breathing and observing the scene without trying to alter it in any way.
• Whenever you feel you have finished viewing the scene, or if your mind begins to wander, stop.
IMPORTANT: There is no need to arrive at any conclusions, no need to make up a story of the situation. Trust and allow your body to receive the knowledge and wisdom that comes from observing without judgment.

Let us know how you feel. Has anything shifted? Do you have any new perceptions?

Carlos Castaneda wrote in The Wheel of Time, “Don Juan’s claim was that once any practitioner has viewed his life in the detached manner that the recapitulation requires, there’s no way to go back to the same life.”

Join us in Hawaii to explore Pono in depth and to more fully enhance your life.

Aerin and Miles